
Search for a course by title or keyword, or browse by a school-wide Focus Area, such as: Inequality, Race, and Poverty; Environment and Climate Change; or Social Justice and Democracy.


Course Highlights

Read the Course Highlights for course announcements for the upcoming semester.

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Course Schedules by Term

Graduate Course Schedules (no longer updated )

Fall 2024

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

January 2024

Undergraduate Course Schedules (no longer updated )

Fall 2024

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Course Syllabus Search

Search for syllabi by faculty, keyword, semester, and/or prefix.


Course Evaluations

You can use the course evaluation results to learn more about a course prior to enrollment.

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Courses Outside Wagner

Start to explore elective options outside of Wagner on the Pre-Approved Non-Wagner Electives List and review the procedures for non-Wagner course registration.

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Courses Abroad

Explore the opportunities available to learn abroad.

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Learning in action!

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Skills Workshops

We offer a variety of skills workshops for students interested in receiving additional support outside of the classroom.

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Independent Reading

For students interested in initiating an independent study.

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Non-Wagner Students

Non-Wagner students are welcome to request enrollment in Wagner courses.

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Program Requirement Checksheets

You can find your Program Requirement Checksheet under Degree Requirements by Program in the Advisement & Resources section of the Student Portal.